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Online Demo of Paymate Payroll Software

Product Name: Paymate Solutions by Paymate Solutions
Download Type: Software Demo
Format: Weblink
You can see how your business can benefit from SaaS payroll solutions today.

What is a hosted solution?

A hosted software solution (in other terms, Software as a Service, a.k.a SaaS) is a software deployment model that allows the users to access their licensed software over the internet on demand. SaaS is a proven technology that has mostly been used for financial, sales and human resources software. SaaS simply requires a computer and internet connection, the rest is provided to you within the service. That means less IT costs, less management and therefore you can focus more on what matters to you most!

SaaS with Paymate Payroll Solutions

Paymate, a 20 years old industry leader in payroll & hr software has a cutting edge, reliable software service infrastructure that will take the burden of software management from you. Paymate offers highly customizable, uninterrupted hosted solutions for all sizes of businesses on payroll, human resources and time and attendance software. With this level of customization, you’ll never get less, or pay for more. You will get the software your business needs with the right price!

Benefits of hosted software

Hosted software solutions are attracting interest because they simply allow businesses to perform mission-critical operations without any interruption. Accessing software and data, from any computer at any time gives businesses the flexibility that they need. This software usage model takes the burden of heavy duty system management, software upgrades and other IT costs and gives the businesses the systems they need—secure, protected, highly available and fully functional.

7 reasons to switch to hosted software

•Global Availability: Hosted solutions are available from any computer, any time, anywhere. This gives businesses the flexibility to function from any location at any time.
•Lower Costs: Hosted solutions are subscription based and you don’t pay license fees. This means lower costs with same great software functionality!
•No installation or maintenance: You don’t have to worry about implementation plans, timing major installations or periodical upgrades. Everything is handled by professionals.
•Better IT Management: With hosted solutions, you can better distribute your IT budget and let your IT team actually work on your IT plan rather than software management.
•Data Privacy: Hosted solutions allow you to lock your data in reliable virtual iron doors that are not accessible by anyone else but you. You never have to worry about backups or data espionage—all taken care of.
•Zero Infrastructure: You don’t need to invest in expensive hardware infrastructure since you can access your software from a web browser from any computer. This takes the overhaul of aging technology costs, hardware and system license fees from you.
•Security: By outsourcing your software and data, you get to select who accesses it—this means only trusted sources can operate on your data. Also, all sof

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